Monday, June 15, 2020

Failures Of Foster Care System - Free Essay Example

The foster care company brings in about 250,000 children each year. Admitting numerous children entering the system expands the issues of discovering the appropriate caregiver for a child. Just as these predicaments are produced, various consequences can occur for the child that can last short-term and possibly long-term. Luckily, there are countless ways to help these obstacles. Foster care agencies may construct unfavorable situations due to some choices of caregivers and the overabundance of difficulties that are generated in the system; yet, there are many ways that each individual can use to enhance the repugnant situation and its effects as well. In pursuance for a great future to come in place, an appropriate selection of a caregiver must take place (Blythe 88). All kinds of issues could take place for the parent and the child if an unsuitable foster parent is given responsibility for the foster child. It is imperative to the agency to choose a foster parent that is fit to accommodate the care for the well-being and security of their new kids (Blythe 88). Meaning, the foster parents must be capable to afford all the childs vital necessities so that they can be a very important citizen to society one day. Research has discovered that foster parents will encounter more anxiety and stress when compared to other adults in their surrounding communities (Blythe 88). Precisely because the foster parent was not proficient of being an adequate parent for the child. Each child is unique and remarkable in their own way, so it would make sense for the right foster parent to be chosen. As a result, when some foster parents are not approp riate for the foster child then they can undergo a range of severe breakdowns from threats to themselves, anger, guilt, and a loss of sleep (Blythe 88). Sadly, the foster parent can perhaps grasp that sort of anger out on the child if these unfortunate events occur. Whenever the foster parent abandons or harms the child in any way that can develop a broad range of short-term ad explicitly long-term complications for the child. Because of picking an inadmissible foster parent, the child can undergo a lot of struggles and drawbacks during and later in their lives. Surely before children will enter into the foster care system several will experience injustice which is the main reason that children will be placed into the system (Salazar 140). This is exaggerated by the consideration of that once a child joins the foster care system they will automatically encounter negligence and abuse from their chosen foster parents! Several children will average about five to six years in the foster care system and go through about four to seven homes (Salazar 140). Children need a well-built home to have an effective life, and if each child critically requires a solid household it would be the children in the system. Perversely, various children in the foster care system will have attended as many as eleven schools by the time they enter their senior year of high school (Williamson 62). This dilemma occurs because childre n that are in the foster care system have been switching to different foster parents home, so they will have no option but to change schools which is extremely difficult on a childs perspective. Due to the lack of communication among the foster parent and the child, the probability that the child will encounter substance abuse, run-ins with the notice and teen pregnancies increase (Zlotnick 534). Having a comprehensive and caring parent could support a foster child with their psychosocial concerns. These problems likely exist mainly because most foster children feel unwanted and abandoned by their original parents as well as their previous foster parents (Interview 1). Research has discovered that kids have been in the foster care system will enter their lives as an adult with astonishingly less support and assistance compared to the rest of the society of children that enter adulthood. (Salazar 140). Once a child turns 18 they are primarily released from the system with no guidance from their prior guardians; an even broad selection of complications abrupt for the ex-foster children and even for the society they are entering toward. Another startling statistic is that more than half of 17 to 18-year-olds that have exited the foster care system have experienced inadequate and unstable housing (Salazar 140). If the system would be more helpful, homelessness could be a problem avoided by the kids going out in the world on their own. Over 50 percent of teenagers in and out of foster care possess no health insurance due to the case they are unable to afford it (Salazar 140). Because of the mistreatment in foster care and mental health disorder, health insurance is one of the most vital necessities. It has been discovered that a high rate of children that have been in the foster care system exhibit rational health problems and disorders (Zlotnick 534). The problems prevail because children have been in and out of the system have experienced some type of negligence or mistreatment from their foster parents and from the foster care agency itself. The quantity of failures of trying to find the suitable caregiver for a foster child increases each year as children access the foster care system. While this occurs, carelessness and injustice will produce a major impact on their futures remarkably. Fortunately, there are ways to fight off certain barriers, and most of them are not hard to do. Until there is a better method of preferences of the foster parents, the foster care agency severely must improve. Meanwhile, that time approaches people should not be timid to help a foster child in distress.

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